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Bullet Lubes

Dragon Bullet lube has several types of lube to cover all your shooting needs.
We are proud to offer both solid stick lubes and liquid lubes for tumbling.

50/50 NRA Formula Black Powder Red Dragon Yellow Dragon
Liquid Dragon Bottle Liquid Dragon Jug Dralox 350 Gas Checks


50/50 NRA Formula
This is the classical NRA formula. This lube covers the majority of any shooting needs and is a fundamental lube.
This lubricant does not require any base heater in order to be applied.
Shoots up to velocities of 1700fps with plain base bullets and over 2100fps with gas checks.

Cost: $4.95  CAD / Stick

Hollow Stick Solid Stick   

(View the Material Safety Data Sheet)


Yellow Dragon

This is a stiffer lubricant than the 50/50 and has been pushed to velocities of 2500fps. It runs smoothly in the bullet sizer with no need for heating.

If you want a bit more performance out of your lube but don't want to use a heated base than this lube would work nicely.

Cost: $4.95  CAD / Stick

Hollow Stick Solid Stick   

(View the Material Safety Data Sheet)


Red Dragon

This is our magnum lube. It is intended for high velocity and high pressure applications. This lube has been pushed to jacketed bullet velocities with no signs of leading.

This lube does need a bit of heat to flow smoothly through the sizer.
Contains carnauba as a stiffener which helps keep the bore nice and shiny.
If you're looking to push the envelope than this lube will help you do it.
This lube is 100% natural and non-toxic.

Cost: $4.95  CAD / Stick

Hollow Stick Solid Stick   


Black Powder
This lube is designed for the black powder shooter in mind but can also be used in smokeless loads under 1100fps.
This lube will leave the black powder fouling in the barrel soft making cleanup time shorter so you can focus more on shooting, not cleaning.
This lube is 100% natural and non-toxic.

Cost: $4.95  CAD / Stick

Hollow Stick Solid Stick   



Dralox 350 - One Quart (32 oz)

Create your own lube.
This is the material used to create the classical NRA 50/50 formula and other commercial lubricants sold by manufacturers such as lee, lyman and RCBS.
Add a little or allot to your beeswax to make it as soft or as hard as you would like your lube to be.
Excellent rust inhibitor.
Comes in 1 quart cans and weighs approximately 2 pounds.

Cost: $19.90  CAD

Sorry...Out of Stock.

(View the Material Safety Data Sheet)
Alox(r) is a registered trademark of Lubrizol Inc.


Gas Check

Per 1000


Gas Check

Per 1000

264 (6.5mm) $53 35cal $57 Sorry...Out of Stock.

6mm $47 375cal $68 Sorry...Out of Stock.

25cal $51 416cal $69

270cal $53 44cal $69

7mm $57 475cal $72

30cal $58 Sorry...Out of Stock. 50cal S&W $99

338cal $61 8mm $61

348cal $62 41 for lyman molds $69

458 Rifle (45-70 etc) $72 Sorry...Out of Stock. 45 Pistol only $69

22cal $47


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